Monday, 24 September 2012

Setting Things Straight.

Setting Things Straight.

Today is a very important day for me with my ladies at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in Spitalfields Central London,  to have another assessment of my condition, a rather thin one I have to confess. Nevertheless I have a strong feeling that my condition is slowly getting better, as for the past three or four days I do detect a very slow but steady feeling of greater strength, which I must not rush. I strongly hope I get further assistance from another prescription from the steroid tablets which I have run out of today.

If not when I come home. Harry I hope is on his way down to the hospital.

After abortive attempt to insert link deleted it will try again after visit to Bart' : Right now that has been completed  I can get on with the rest f the tie up to Not Mentioned in Despatches, my prime thrust of this particular blog entry. T: 2023. 24/09/2012.


  1. Had to rush away to an appointment at St. Bart's Hospital, even though the bus was half hour later than the schedule. Good ride back though a nice new Ford automatic with an 11 number plate harry was there already and had some constructive answers when we did get to talk to the young doc.Completed with what we wanted another two weeks on steroids.

  2. Believe I'm getting slowly better but of course this maybe a false impression due to wish full thinking on my part. I should imagine after several weeks of this treatment the majority of patients probably feel much the same way, if they have not already thrown in the towel? The medics like everyone else it would appear are v. reluctant to commit themselves on the effacy of any particular course of treatment.

  3. With the news about Andie Williams, the crooner with the silken vocal cords hitting me tonight does give me a v. plus /minus feeling about the whole business. After all as one tends to think if a high profile chap like Williams cannot manage to dodge the cancer column then just what chance has a no-body like little old me. Then again, just think of the problems my theories would soon start to throw up, if they stood even the slightest chance? Despite my own confidence in them I honestly think they have, but not implemented by me, on my Todd, to coin a phrase.
