Monday 29 August 2011

The Initial Post.

The Initial Post.

Most of my life I have managed to involve myself in the keeping of a log or diary, journal, whatever the name and the current one, blog, is taken from two words so it really is nothing new. Most critics of these personal and usually private commentaries on events in their immediate lives have no realistic prospect of being published and probably would not wish to be so. In many instances this would be out of concern within their immediate family circle with no desire to advertise their own minor squabbles and disagreements to a wider public.

If one has the conceit to feel that the efforts you are making and have made over a working life which has made, to all appearances no disernable impact on family, friends and working collegues,but still feel reluctant to conceed defeat. Perhaps like the character Forest Trump you merely have an odd coincidental connection with pivitol moments of history. Then again perhaps that is all you might wish for, the comforting knowledge, if that is what you seek, to know that you were there when this or that event took place and in the scheme of things, a satisfaction, even though your  presence was an apparent complete irrelevance to those events?

In my case the whole approach and essence of this blog is to try and give some idea of what I attempted to put into the main stream of cultural life. If this effort had any impact with what those people who were given access to this knowledge made use of it, and what impact I it feel may have been to the general advantage or otherwise of the general population. I concede at the outset an almost impossibly difficult assessment to make, especially with any degree of accuracy as there are far too many variables. Nevertheless the effort maybe a more constructive exercise than the premise suggests.


  1. Having commented on this first post a few days ago and now wondering just how far back in my history of shattering mental events I should go, I see the drawback of not keeping a diary of my previous entry.

  2. Now I have it sorted. Despite the heading this is not the Initial Post but the second post.
